Sunday, August 29, 2010

Gush Etzion at Night - August 26th, 2010

After meeting at the Paz gas station in Gilo, we drove to Sde Boaz section of Neve Daniel. The drivers took the cars to the end of the route, and then came back to find the rest of the group immitating icles.

After a short introduction by our guide, Ganit, we started walking back towards Neve Daniel. We made a short detour towards a spring. After returning to the main route we stopped at Nebi Daniel, the site the gave its name to the area and heard the story of the Nebi Daniel Convoy in 1948.

There was supposed to be a great view from this point, but we walking in a cloud and could not see anything.

Our next stop was the water tower, at 996 meters above sea level, the highest peak in the area. Again the view eluded us.

We continued through Neve Daniel and stopped and the only remains of the original site. The Cohen Farm. The site was purchased in 1935 as a farm, but was abandoned in 1936 during the Arab Revolt.

We left Neve Daniel and walked along the Patriarchs road. This is a small section of the anceint road the went along the top of the mountains of Judea and Sumaria. The Romans rebuilt the road and that is what we see today. Along the road we saw some Roman mile stones and a mikve that was probably used by pilgrims on the way to Jerusalem.

Our next stop was a vinyard where we saw how mountain agriculture is used and how it was described in the bible.

We ended our walk at the load oak, the old center of Gush Etzion.

Thanks to Warren who organized our walk, and to Ganit, our Guide.

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