Some of us met at the Ringelblum Restaurant on Thursday evening in Beer Sheva for supper. It was OK.
After breakfast on Friday morning, we drove our cars down into Nachal Tzin, and started our hike.
The first part of our hike was up Maale Divshon and it was definitely up. When stopping for air, we had great views of Sde Boker, Midreshet Ben Gurion, and Nachal Tzin. There was also a vulture overhead, just in case.
After reaching the top of the ascent, and resting a bit to catch our breath, we continued along Ramat Divshon. We passed a Beduin Camp with signs inviting anyone to come and rest.
We passed the remains of ancient agricultural terraces and dams which were probably first built by the Nabateans, and maintained by other residents of the area.
After walking along the edge of a horseshoe shaped water fall, we descended towards Ein Akev. We had to use handholds to get down a little cliff, and then walked down to the spring and pool.
Those who jumped into the pool say it was very cold. There was a lot of screaming.
The next section of the hike was walking along Nachal Tzin. It was mostly boring and more or less flat.
Thanks to Deborah and Rachel who organized the hike, and to Adi, our guide.